May 1, 2020
Dear Friend,
Thankfully, many of you have been in touch with me and I'm so happy to hear you're all "hangin' in there." Our Zoom classes together are a breath of fresh air for all of us. Hopefully, this goes without saying, but just in case you didn't know:
I miss hugging some of you and the personal eye contact and the essential oil sharing at the end of each practice. I just miss all of the physical connections we share during our time together each week.
I recognize these past 6 weeks have been so very difficult for all of us, in varying aspects and degrees, but difficult nonetheless:
Separation from Loved Ones
Job-loss & Pay-cuts
Financial Hardship
But Also! I've heard and seen your news of really lovely outcomes from the past 6 weeks:
New Gardening & Craft Ideas
Redecorating & Remodeling Projects
Clutter-free Cupboards & Closets
Cooking & Reading Fresh Things
Learning how to use online platforms like never before...
Speaking of this:
YouTube Videos of my Yoga sessions are available!
Regardless of where you've landed at this time in World History, we each are learning new things as we've sheltered in place.
Both nourishing stuff and tough stuff....
and I'm curious...
What have you learned?
What have you noticed about God?
What have you learned about yourself?
What have you observed in the responses of those around you?
I pray you've found a renewed awareness of God's Presence with you during each and every moment.
And I pray He's teaching you new wonders about Himself and the world He's created for us.
Peace, Love, & Light.