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Private YouTube Videos are Available

There are many Christ-centered yoga practices available to you right now, online.


Each Intention listed below has a recorded Chair Yoga Session and/or a Mat Yoga Session. The recorded YouTube links are separated and they are each sent individually by the specified request.


  • "Simple" - A Beginner's Class

  • "Faith Over Fear"

  • "Orientation to Christ"

  • "HOSANNA! God Save Us!"

  • "He is Risen"

  • "Good Orderly Direction"

  • "Habakkuk - Take Heart & Gain Strength"

  • "Habakkuk - Stand & Wait"

  • "Promises of God "

  • "Designed for Friendship"

  • "Effective Prayer"

  • "Bring your Weariness"

  • "Productive Waiting"

Please Note:
The recorded YouTube links are private (not for public view). They are separated and they are each sent individually by the specified request. I will only send private links to those who specifically ask for them and complete an Online Waiver. You'll need to clarify if you'd like the "Chair class" or the "Mat class" and which intention grabs your interest.
For example,
"Chair yoga - Promises of God"
"Mat yoga - Productive Waiting."


Please remember these are NOT NECESSARY.
I have always operated with this model:
"Donations are appreciated but NOT necessary in order to attend and I want this practice available to everyone."
if finances are tight, please request a link anyway. I trust God will lead the hearts of those who receive, to give whatever they can. Check my FAQ page on the website about this topic.
If you are able, I am asking for a $10 donation for each link you request
(just offer what you would normally have offered for an in-person session).
The value here is greater than usual as you can visit the yoga practice link over and over and over again. It won't expire, just save it in your favorites.

You may send those donations via:
Cash App, Zelle, or another electronic payment method.
If you'd like to mail a check - Please mail to:
Bethanie Meredith
PO BOX 807
Canfield, Ohio, 44406
You may also use your Yoga Card and it counts as one practice.


If you're interested or have more questions, please reach out to me.

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